During the Summer of 2011, I set out to make a tobacco pipe. Going into the project, I knew nothing at all about tobacco pipes or how they were made, but I was confident that I could make something functional for myself. Using a piece of wood and my grandpa’s workshop, I was able to make something that resembled a tobacco pipe. What I had created was certainly low quality, but it was a start. Gathering what information I could from online forums and YouTube videos, I continued making pipes, each one better than the last. Throughout this process, I found a true passion.
After graduating from college, I decided to take up pipemaking full-time. I was fortunate enough to spend some time with Grant Batson, learning in his workshop. That experience served as a major turning point, not only in my pipemaking abilities, but in the overall quality of the pipes I was producing. His mentorship, as well as the mentorship of other established pipe makers, has allowed me to continue the development of my craft in pursuit of making the highest quality tobacco pipes.
I am forever thankful to my family, friends, mentors, and customers who have supported me throughout this journey.